About Us
Chemistry is a wide branch of Science which extends its hands to every field of human life, from kitchen to stellar bodies. But even then the awareness regarding the importance of chemistry and its immense opportunities is very less among our Common People, Students, even Researchers and Teachers. Understanding the above mentioned along with assimilation of other informations regarding Chemistry through learning resources which includes, Internet, Journals, Books Magazine, Newspapers etc. is a Himalayan task, and even Scientist and Teachers may require some help for the same.
Through their experience our founders understood that, our Students and Researchers are lacking too much, when it comes to basic knowledge on Chemistry. This is mainly due to our education system which is forced to look at quantity rather than quality. Also the recent trend in exam oriented study and job oriented study have taken out the importance of Knowledge based Study.
After completing 3 decades of academic services in schools and collages of the state of Kerala and Karnataka, the founders of Chem4all, Dr Balachandran S (M Sc, M Ed, Ph D) & Dr Sudha Devi R (M Sc, M Ed, Ph D) understood the above mentioned problems and it's impact on the society. To solve this and to help students and upcoming researchers understand the basics and the advancements in chemistry as well as to help them achieve their maximum potential our founders decided to start a Chemistry Education Assistance Organisation and thus Chem4all was born.
At Chem4all we seek to find solutions for the above mentioned problems by using modern technology along with traditional indian teaching methods. For Face to Face interaction with students and to provide a study centre for them, we have opened up two centres in Trivandrum, capital city of Kerala. We provide regular classes for XI, XII and B Sc students, including preparatory classes for IIT-JAM and other major M Sc Entrance Exams. Through our Website we plan to take away the restrictions of money and distance, when it comes to quality education by providing study materials including video tutorials, chapter notes, Q&A for affordable prices. Through our Blogs we provide a place for Common People, Students, Researchers, and Scientist to read about the Interesting facts and the recent advancements in chemistry, along with a 'Discussion forum' for discussing and growing their wisdom.
"Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking, thinking provides knowledge, and knowledge makes you great."
- A P J Abdul Khalam
Our Vision
Empowerment of Chemistry Students, Teachers, and Researchers by using ICT, focusing on improving the Quality.

Our Mision
Design new Learning environment to create and share high quality learning materials.
Build an environment through which the leadership qualities can be built in students.
Integrate Virtual models with face to face learning strategies for effective and active learning
Create co-operative platform between Teachers, Students, Researchers, Scientist and Common People to exchange their ideas and experiences thereby helping them learn.
Our Campuses
Campus A
H No- 44(B), Anand Nagar, Neeramankara, Near MMNSS College, Karamana, Trivandrum, Kerala,695040
Campus B
Anil Vihar, Mulloor, Vizhinjam, Near Vizhinjam Port, Trivandrum, Kerala